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Developing Effective Leadership Skills
Developing Effective Leadership Skills: Unleashing the Power of Integrity, Planning, and Creativity In today's fast-paced and dynamic...
Enhanced DNA Publishing
2 min read

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Transforming the Publishing Industry
Join us as we dissect AI's role in writing, how authors can harness its potential while safeguarding their creativity and authenticity.
Enhanced DNA Publishing
5 min read

How Important is Community?
Community is the cornerstone of human existence. It fosters belonging, support, and collaboration.
Enhanced DNA Publishing
3 min read

Everyone is Not Like You!
Everyone is not like you! That's right. Even identical twins have differences - especially in behaviors. Ever wonder what your...
Denola Burton
3 min read

How Do I Make Money From My Published Book?
How Do I Make Money From My Published Book? As Founder/CEO of Enhanced DNA:Develop Nurture and Achieve, LLC and the Enhanced DNA...
Enhanced DNA Publishing
4 min read

How Do I Market My Published Book?
How Do I Market My Book and Do I Need to Have a Professional Marketing Firm to Market My Book? As Founder/CEO of Enhanced DNA:Develop...
Enhanced DNA Publishing
3 min read

What is Metadata and Why Do I Need It?
What is "metadata"? In it's simplest form, metadata is "data that provides information about other data". For your book, it is the...
Enhanced DNA Publishing
4 min read

What is an ISBN and Why Do I Need one?
International Standard Book Number (ISBN) - what is it and why is it important? Here is an excerpt from the workbook, "Enhancing Your...
Enhanced DNA Publishing
3 min read

What is an "Independent Publisher"?
Enhanced DNA Publishing is an Independent Publisher (Indie Publisher). But, you ask, "What is an Independent Publisher". Here is an...
Enhanced DNA Publishing
2 min read
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