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NOW YOU SEE ME - Excerpt from Mentoring Moments

Mentoring Moments the Book

What if....

What if you ran into the president of your company and they asked you "What do you do"? Would you know what to say? Do you have a "personal brand statement"? In the first chapter of Mentoring Moments:  14 Remarkable Women Share Breakthroughs to Success, you will hear the story of Yolanda Smith, one of the 14 Remarkable Women, who describes her first encounter with the CEO at her company and how she blew the opportunity to shine. She describes how she developed her personal brand statement and in her "Mentoring Moments" she guides you to develop your personal brand statement too!  Here is a brief excerpt:

NOW YOU SEE ME:  Unleashing the Power of Personal Branding by Yolanda Smith

Everyone needs a personal brand. I mean an intentional and strategic personal brand, not one that is organically created. Your brand is your value, your promise to others. Your personal brand allows you to create the image you want others to see. It is how you will be remembered, the way you interact with others, and it allows you to articulate your value and what differentiates you in the eyes of your audience. Your personal brand is what will keep you standing when people try to knock you down. Put simply, your personal brand establishes an impression, how others see and connect with you. It is not only based on your competency but also on your actions. Personal branding is what others say about you when you leave a room. Are they gossiping or speaking positively about you?

This is but one AMAZING story from Mentoring Moments:  14 Remarkable Women Share Breakthroughs to Success.  Request your autographed copy today at EnhancedDNAPublishing.

Join us for the Book Launch and Signing on September 29, 2019 from 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. at the Indianapolis Propylaeum.  RSVP through Eventbrite.  Hope to see you there.


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